Brand Protection

For over 30 years, we have dedicated ourselves to designing and producing the highest quality products. Today, we offer a wide range of products under our own proprietary brands and through license agreements with some of the most well-known fashion brands in the world. Unfortunately, counterfeiters are making cheap imitations that are often mistaken for our authentic products.

Counterfeit products are the result of numerous illegal activities.

Fake goods are typically made by workers who may have been trafficked and forced to work in poor conditions. Knock offs are funding organized crime, terrorist groups, drug smugglers, gangs, sex traffickers, etc. Many of these goods are made in sweatshops that violate child-labor laws with workers who are modern day indentured slaves.

Since Counterfeit products are produced illegally, they are no safe guards in place and may contain toxic or cheap materials. Counterfeits damage not just the copyright holders and designers, but with no regulations or inspections, these products could be hurting the end consumer directly.

The sale of counterfeits is illegal, and you can be prosecuted if you are found to be in possession of a counterfeit item.

We work with customs authorities, law enforcement and legal representatives globally in an effort to prevent the sale of counterfeit versions of our products. To avoid the risk of purchasing counterfeit products, we recommend you buy our products directly from our FOSSIL or WATCH STATION stores, our ecommerce sites:,,,,,, or any of our licensed brands’ official ecommerce sites, authorized department stores, specialty retailers or other ecommerce sites that you know to be reputable.

Fossil does not offer its products for sale through individuals, street vendors, internet auction sites, flea markets or house parties. Please also note that counterfeit websites will often use a third party trademark in the URL for their sites and may have content or layout similar to the official website for such brand.

If you believe you are the victim of a fraudulent transaction, we encourage you to report it to your local law enforcement. You may also report suspected counterfeit product directly to us at: [email protected].

Please note that we regret we are not able to authenticate products for you. We appreciate your help in our fight against counterfeiting!

Please note: FG Repair Services do NOT offer watch authentication services and any repairs made to a submitted watch does not confirm a watch’s authenticity. Please make sure you buy products only from the official Fossil distribution network in order to avoid fraudulent sellers.

Report suspected counterfeit product directly to us: [email protected]