It’s not unusual to see Claire Stolz gathering water bottle caps around the office. “I’m happy with the little things I can do,” the EMEA financial controller says. It’s easy to look at lid collection as something “little”—but Claire’s efforts are anything but. Through her partnership with Les Bouchons d’Amour, her efforts not only bring more bottles and lids to recycling plants, they also raise money to fund wheelchairs for those who need them across her community. It’s her commitment to making time to help both the planet and her community that makes Claire stand out—she’s a force for good who is proving that environmental responsibility and social responsibility go hand in hand.
What do you make time for?
When I arrived in Basel, I immediately saw an opportunity to spread support for Les Bouchons d’Amour, a French association that collects plastic water bottle caps which are then sold to a recycling company located in Belgium. The caps are transformed into plastic pallets, which have a 300-year lifespan and are endlessly recyclable. The full profit from the sale of the caps is used to finance equipment for people with disabilities as well as humanitarian actions in France and abroad.
How does Fossil help you increase your impact in this area?
Fossil supported my partnership with Les Bouchons d’Amour and the organization’s unique efforts to help both the environment and the community. Although it’s a small step, the few tons of plastic recycled and money raised for disabled people makes an impact.

Photos courtesy of Claire Stolz and Les Bouchons d’Amour
Share a success you’ve had through this project.
I have collected caps at home for years! Here in Basel, my colleagues saw me collecting water bottle caps so they started doing it too! As of today, we have filled a 71 liter bag with caps in our headquarters in Basel, which equates to about 22 kilograms.
Why is caring for the planet important to you?
Environmental responsibility has always been very important to me. I’m fully aware of the negative impact human negligence and overconsumption can have on this planet.
When I finished business school, I wanted to spend time on a topic I care about—and that’s how I gravitated towards getting a master’s degree in sustainable development. Later on, I got an opportunity to do a training at an automotive company, where I taught the production line employees eco-friendly methods to removing toxins within the products they use. It was a rewarding experience because I offered a better solution for the environment and the company at the time.
Why is it important to you to make time for good?
Whatever we do as a business, there’s always a way to lower our carbon footprint. Being a mother of a three year old and a baby on the way, I have to care about my children’s future on this earth.
What are a few other ways you’re working to strengthen the planet and your community?
I’m the treasurer of the Ladies’ Circle in Strasbourg, France. We organize events to raise money for different associations such as Les Amis de Marie, which supports people with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), and Mon Cartable Connecté, which aims to improve hospitalized children’s lives through a digital device that allows them to remotely stay in touch with their classroom while they are in the hospital.
What advice do you find yourself sharing most frequently?
Do as much as you can do—it will truly make a difference. Every little drop counts towards making a bigger impact.